Jean Milliken-Kangiser
Jean has a passion to make fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. Her desire is to see that men and women understand spiritual soul formation (Gal 4:19) as it relates to the Word and Jesus Christ, and what it means to be at their maxium when expressing their spiritual gifts expressed in the local church - impacting and reaching their communities with the life changing truth of Jesus.
Jean is the Executive Director and Founder of Soul Thirst DiscipleMaking Ministry in North America and beyond. Jean is also a trainer/equipper for Sonlife Ministries.
Connecting People to the Life and Mission of Jesus
Equipping people of all generations to live out both the
passion and priorities of Jesus by making disciples. (John 14:12)
We believe that there is only one God, who is holy, perfect, just, and eternal. He exists as one God in three persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God made all of creation for His glory and planned to redeem a peo-ple for Himself even before time began.
Deuteronomy 4:35 | Isaiah 46:9-10 | Titus 2:13-14 | Titus 1:2
We believe that the Bible is comprised of both the Old and New Testaments and is the very Word of God. Each book is written by a human author who was inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible in its original manu-scripts is without error. The Bible reveals God’s plan for salvation and has the final say in everything. God’s Word is to be believed, obeyed, and trusted.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 | 2 Peter 1:20-21 | Hebrews 4:12 | Psalm 19:7-11 | John 17:17
We believe that God made male and female in His image to worship and enjoy Him on a perfect earth. The first human beings, Adam and Eve, were tempted and chose to disobey God. As a result, all of creation fell from its perfect state, and corruption entered the world. Every person is now bent toward disobedience to the Creator, fully sinful and depraved. It is only through the provision of Jesus Christ on the cross that any person can be rescued from this depravity. One day, God will make all things right again, as He intended from the beginning. Until then, all of creation groans as it waits in expectation.
Genesis 1:26 | Romans 3:23 | Romans 5:12 | Romans 8:18-21
We believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnate God, fully God and fully man. He is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament prophecies. Jesus Christ was conceived through the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. Although truly a human, He lived a sinless life. He was crucified by Pontius Pilate, yet arose bodily from the dead, ascended into Heaven, and now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding as High Priest and Advo-cate for those who believe in His name.
Romans 8:33-34 | Hebrews 4:14-15 | John 1:14 | Luke 1:26-27 | 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
We believe that Jesus Christ selflessly served as the representative and substitute for all humanity, dying on the cross in our place. His shed blood was a once-for-all sacrifice for our sin. His death and resurrection is the only hope any person has for salvation.
1 Peter 3:18 | Philippians 2:6-8 | Romans 6:9-11 | Romans 3:23-26 | Colossians 2:13-14
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person of the Trinity and that everything He does brings glory to Jesus Christ. He convicts people of guilt and changes sinners into children of God. Those who have become believ-ers in Jesus Christ have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Christians are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit, who comforts, illuminates, equips, empowers, and guides them into all truth.
Colossians 1:9-10 | Colossians 1:11-14 | Mark 1:7-8 | Acts 11:16 | Jude 1:20 | Acts 1:8
We believe that the true Church is made up of those who have put their hope in Christ alone. The Church has two ordinances—baptism and communion—which demonstrate the Gospel. The true Church is made up of many local congregations, and it is through these that God’s kingdom work is done. The purpose of para-church organizations should be to build up and better equip the local church.
Ephesians 4:4-6 | 1 Thessalonians 5:11-15 | Colossians 2:19
We believe that God has not only justified believers through Christ, but that He wants us to bear witness to the Gospel in both our speech and actions. He calls us to live holy lives. We are to love Him with all our hearts; make disciples of all nations; care for the oppressed and needy; and study, obey, and proclaim His Word. With His Word, prayer, and union with other believers, we are to fight the forces of evil and glorify Christ on this earth.
1 John 3:16-18 | Matthew 22:37 | Matthew 28:19-20 | Ephesians 6:12
We believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to the earth. The time is known only to God and therefore re-quires continual expectancy. Christ’s promised return gives us hope for the time when He will make all things right and there will be no more pain and suffering. It also motivates us to live sacrificially for Him, to live in such a way that we may hear the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
Luke 12:35-40 | Matthew 24:36 | Isaiah 51:11 | Matthew 25:23
We believe that God requires all people to repent of their sins and put their hope in Jesus Christ. When He returns to earth, all the dead will be raised and brought before the Judgment Seat of Christ. People will be di-vided into two camps. First, there will be those condemned to hell. This group will be comprised of people who rejected Christ. They will spend their eternity separated from the God they perpetually rejected while on earth. All the good that God has created for people to enjoy will not be present in hell because God Himself will not be present. Second, there will be those who will experience the blessing and joy of living with their Lord and Savior in the new heaven and new earth. They will finally be in the presence of the God they wor-shipped throughout their mortal lives and will be united with believers from all nations. God’s name will be praised and adored forever and ever, Amen.
Matthew 25:31-34 | Revelation 19:6-7 | Jude 1:24-25 | Revelation 21:1-4
Soul Thirst DiscipleMaking Ministry is a Washington State Limited Liability Company and is in the process of forming a Washington State 501c3 non-profit corporation and seeking application to the Internal Revenue Service for its nonprofit tax exempt status.
Jean has also served as:
- Adult Ministry Pastor, and Pastor to Women in Ministry at Grace Community Church in Auburn, Washington.
- National & North America Director of Women in Ministry at Sonlife Leadership Ministry.
- National CB America Women in Ministry Director based in Littleton, Colorado.
- Director of Women’s Ministries at First Baptist Church in Salem, Oregon.
- Founder and Director of Reneda Ministry in 2008, Bonney Lake, Washington.
Jean was led in 2008 to establish Renada Ministry, a non-profit, to continue to multiply people regionally and across North America. She established the Renada Intern House for Mentoring in Washington State where women considering the ministry could live and be poured into as interns.
Jean has spoken in 31 states and Canada doing conferences and seminars. They include:
- Northwest Ministry Conference, Seattle, 2018.
- Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center Women's Retreat, Oregon, 2018.
- SONLIFE Disciplemaking Conference, Florida, 2016 & 2017.
- "Today's Living Hope" radio broadcast, WDCX Radio, Buffalo, NY
- Western Seminary Ignite Conference 2016 & 2017.
- Beth Moore Leadership Conference LEAD, Seattle, Washingt"on. (February 2015).
- Legacy Ministry Conference, Indiana (March 2015).
- CRISTA Ministries Leadership Conferences, Seattle, Washington.
- SONLIFE Leadership Campus, Greater Chicago area, Illinois.
- The Cove Billy Graham Training Center, Asheville, North Carolina.
- Ridgecrest Christian Conference Center, BlueRidge Mountains, North Carolina.
- Mount Hermon Christian Retreat Center, Northern California.
- Multnomah Bible College Leadership Conference, Portland, Oregon.
- Methodist SonLife Leadership Conference, Singapore.
- SonLife Leadership Training/Equipping Retreat, Costa Rica..
Connecting People to the Life and Mission of Jesus
Equipping people of all generations to live out both the passion and priorities of Jesus by making disciples. (John 14:12)
Soul Thirst DiscipleMaking Ministry is a non-profit organization.